Selasa, 27 April 2010

The health benefits of indoor plants

The health benefits of indoor plants, including nine Top healthiest plants!

House plants are not only light up a room with color and energy of life. In addition to appealing to the eye, they provide real benefits to the health of your body. Not only complaints of headaches, stress, heart diseases, to reduce the symptoms in colds and indoor plants are present, according to Dr. Leona Rogler in "The complete set of office, but also a richly decorated room with plants can help air quality.

This fern mother, one of the best in clean air is a popular houseplant because it is easy to clean, feed the indirect light and with little moisture and is very attractive. Learn more about the mother now far away, including how you can reach four meters high at an affordable price Order now!

Top 9 Air Magic Cleaning

The following plants are most effective in removing potentially harmful chemicals, including those in paints, varnishes, cleaners, exhaust and tobacco smoke, air in your home.

* Dragon
* Ivy
* Ficus
* Philodendron
* The spider plant
Peace Lily *
* Ferns
* Chrysanthemums
Palms *

House plants purify the air

If you are self-assessment to determine whether you can read and have biological pollutants in your home, you know, how are indoor air, indoor air pollution and how it really is.

The good news is that a classic NASA study found that common indoor air quality could be improved. In fact, they reported that houseplants in a position to have up to 87 percent of air toxins in 24 hours. Recommendation? At 15 to 18 "good sized houseplants in 6-8 inch diameter container for a house 1,800 square feet.

Plants can remove a variety of toxic air emissions, including ammonia, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, benzene, xylene and trichloroethytene. See box above for some of the best varieties of plants to choose and remember, the health of the plant, the cleaning will be more.

An excellent resource for anyone who is serious about using plants to clean air to their advantage is growing like Fresh Air: 50 plants, the cleaning of your home or office.

Plants make you happy

Houseplants people feel calmer and more optimistic, says Bruno Cortis, MD, a cardiologist in Chicago. Interestingly, it says that studies have shown that hospital patients, a window the face with a quick glance at the garden as those who looked to have recovered to the wall.

Fighting fatigue and colds plants

According to a study by the Agricultural University of Norway, indoor plants can reduce fatigue, cough, sore throat and other cold diseases by more than 30 percent, in part, by increasing levels of moisture and dust.

Plants in the office

Even large companies and jobs are beginning to take on the inside and the addition of plants great things for the health of employees and the morale. A study in the literature of rehabilitation, a production plant built in his office by order published that no worker would be more than 45 feet of green. The result? CEO of the company saw an improvement in the creativity and productivity among employees.

The dragon tree plant is one of the most effective in removing harmful contaminants from the air. Moreover, adds its exotic character look in any room.

And more
Order now a dragon

Of course, some plants are poisonous and must be handled carefully, or not at all, if you have small children. For a list of potentially dangerous indoor plants, especially for children, the 10 most common poisons see among the youth. With a little careful with the plants you choose, you can enjoy all the benefits of adding plants will bring to your home.

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